Hey Guys as a Tourism Travel Student of course very closely with the name TOUR, and this Blog i will give you my experience about Nature Tourism, Toraja.
In this Blog i will show you all of Tourism Destination that i meet when i go,during and home at Toraja!..
Buttu Tomonga
Let's start with the first destination I met when I was on my way to Toraja. when we were on the way to be exact in Enrekang Regency. We are one of the stalls that provides coffee and tea and a variety of foods. in that place presents a view of the mountain that looks like a woman's femininity. the name of the mountain is buttu tomonga while returning to fill stamina and rest this mountain is very spoil the eyes
Trecking To BatuTumonga,Timenbayo
The first activity is to visit the village of ditimen bayo. This village has 100% native Toraja residents where they are very thick with their local language, Toraja language. although the torajan and luwu languages are actually quite similar, I was able to talk with residents around one of them elementary school children in the village. we were trecking from the village to Mentirotiku restaurant and yesss we were trecking with a distance of 3km but the climb was so extreme that it made my adrenaline peak which made nature become an adventure.
Lunch At Mentirotiku Restaurant
After tracking for almost 2 hours. we were tired of being paid after arriving at mentirotiku restaurant. here we were amazed by the view of rice fields and the countryside from a height. and here we eat one of the traditional food Pa'piong, a food cooked and served in bamboo.
Tedong Bonga
For the people of Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi, believing buffalo is a vehicle for spirits to go to Puya (the world of spirits, or the afterlife). Buffalo also has a unique position for the people of Toraja. It is bred and used as a plow, as well as being considered a sacred animal and a symbol of social status.
Yoshafat, a traditional figure from Tana Toraja, said that buffaloes were considered the highest offering for the Toraja indigenous people who died, through a solo sign ritual. Signs Solo ’is done for days, even weeks, and is attended by thousands of residents. One of the important rituals is buffalo slaughter.
In the belief of Aluk To Dolo, or ancient Toraja religion, the solo sign is carried out by aristocratic families. The higher the nobility value, the bigger and more luxurious the event. Later this ritual can also be done by non-aristocrats, but has sufficient finances.
Tongkonan House
Tongkonan is the traditional house of Toraja at here we are meet some people making the house and its almost be done on it procession, as you can see on the picture some people paint on the tongkonan house.from Bro Mat's explanation (my lecture) that there are two types of tongkonan, one for storing harvests which is rather small and the other for living where a buffalo horn adorns in front of the house.
Lombok Parinding
Lombok Parinding is a cultural preservation in the form of an old burial complex which is around 700 years old. Almost the same as other burial cultural preservation sites in Toraja, in this location there are also many Erong (ancient coffins) along with the skulls and bones of the bodies buried in this place hundreds of years ago. The only difference is the atmosphere that is felt when visiting Lombok Parinding will feel more horror, because the location of this cultural heritage is in a hidden place, and surrounded by bamboo forests. this place is very scary because you know all of the skull is from by the peaople that already die long ago.
Well just that i can show you, you can also watch the Vlog that i made with Rini Agustin this is the link:
Toraja Nature Fieldtrip
Toraja Nature Fieldtrip
Thank You :)
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